Seed Award 2001

The Skinny Building
Utilizing one of the shallowest commercial buildings in the world as a unique venue for alternative art and the promotion of other cultural events.

Making a Scene
Emphasizing unity and collaboration between artists, patrons, and the community at large through an event focused on shared artistic process.

Onyx Alliance
Providing resources for education, professional development, and social engagement to African Americans and other minorities underrepresented in Pittsburgh’s workforce.
Seed Award 2002

100 Bands, 31 Nights, 1 City
Highlighting the rich, diverse, but often underappreciated musical culture of Pittsburgh in one eclectic month.

3 Rivers on 2 Wheels
Guiding readers through 10 cycling excursions that stretch throughout various city neighborhoods.

Busk Pittsburgh
Creating a venue for artists to perform downtown and inform the public about the artistry and industry particular to street performing.

Dragon Boat Racing
Encouraging locals to enjoy the rivers through the competition, fitness, and camaraderie of this 3,000-year-old Chinese rowing tradition.

The New Yinzer
Creating an outlet for local and national writers to publish experimental nonfiction and fiction, work largely overlooked by mainstream publishing companies.

Pittsburgh Singles Volunteer Network
Cultivating commitment to volunteering, fostering relationships among singles, and increasing the number of activities available to them.
Seed Award 2003

Support Mass Transit Bumper Stickers
Calling attention to the essential service provided by Port Authority Transit and the threats to its sustainability.

American Shorts Reading Series
Performing classic and contemporary short works of American fiction for a diverse audience in an accessible, animated, community setting.

Everyday Art Assignments
Connecting artists and encouraging community members to work on their own independent crafts using an online platform.

Giving young adults in Pittsburgh the basic tools to run for office, including information on finding open positions, forming committees, creating budgets, and working with the media.
Giving young adults in Pittsburgh the basic tools to run for office, including info on finding open positions, forming committees, creating budgets, and working with the media.

RiverCubes Project: Pittsburgh
Constructing sculptures from refuse gathered along Pittsburgh’s rivers to draw attention to the future of the city’s waterways.

Three Rivers Bike Racks
Working to address the dearth of amenities for cyclists in the city by installing artistically designed bike racks in highly visible commercial areas.
Seed Award 2004

Urban Hike
Exploring the unique character of Pittsburgh through hikes that served as history lessons, adventures, and meditative reconnections that engaged residents with the topography of the city.

barebones productions
Using theater as a vehicle for discovery not only of its subject, but also of the unlikely, intimate performance space.

Handmade Arcade
Going beyond the traditional art fair by exposing the community to nontraditional, do-it-yourself crafters, musicians, and zine publishers.

Knotweed Project
Shedding light on the environmental impact, history, and opportunities presented by Japanese Knotweed, an invasive species that has take over 8% of stream banks in Allegheny County.

Pittsburgh Signs Project
Calling area residents to submit photos of Pittsburgh signs that communicated their ideas about the city, providing a unique insight into the city.

Tireless Fridays
Encouraging all Pittsburghers to take part in the fate of the city’s rivers by cleaning up some of the most neglected and abused riversides.
Seed Award 2005

Establishing an organizational framework for hosting community events, activities, and promotions to celebrate bicycling.

Providing an interactive way to learn about government leaders as well as key features of Pittsburgh institutions and history.

East of Liberty: A Story of Good Intentions
Capturing the revitalization of the East Liberty neighborhood of Pittsburgh, specifically the demolition of the East Mall apartment complex and the displacement of its former residents.

Encyclopedia Destructica
Compiling work from artists’ sketchbooks and journals to create a self-printed, hand-bound zine.

Games of Steel
Creating an athletic dance performance using 16-foot seesaws, steel ramps, moving doors, and ladders-built by Red Star Ironworks.

Harvest Dinners: The Ohio River Lifeboat Project
Encouraging ecological consciousness through a series of Harvest Dinners highlighting the social and ecological history of the Ohio River.

Pittsburgh Art in Transit
Adorning city buses with art to solicit support for area transit while also providing a public venue for artists to display their work.

Steel City BioFuels
Manufacturing, distributing, and advocating for the use of the sustainable, environmentally friendly fuel made from recycled vegetable oil.
Seed Award 2006

Academy of the Southside
Offering workshops and hard-to-find resources to oil painters and bringing in prominent national artists to give demonstrations, lectures, and critiques.

Be Well! Healthcare Options for the Uninsured
Compiling information on local social services and health care organizations in a zine-format guide to health insurance alternatives for young adults without coverage.

The Distillery Program
Offering young artists ways to connect with, and contribute to, the local arts community by supporting their studio practice and providing career development opportunities.

The Mobile Museum
Providing a traveling space for dialogue about the collections housed in Pittsburgh’s museums, serving as an artistic forum for students, educators, and the public at large.

Puppets for Pittsburgh
Lending puppets to area nonprofit organizations to add energy to their public events throughout the region.

Unicorn Mountain
Creating collaborative publications featuring independent comic art, literary nonfiction, and independent music.
Engage Pittsburgh 2007

Alternative Transportation Festival
Raising public awareness of alternative means of transportation and advocating for the use of public transportation, car-sharing, alternative fuels, and human-powered vehicles.

Green Vision for East Liberty Vacant Lots
Reclaiming blighted areas in the East Liberty neighborhood for energy crop cultivation, green jobs, and community wellness.

Gumband & Lost and Found
Sharing real-time information about cultural events, businesses, and directions in Pittsburgh through a mobile phone-based event notification system.
Seed Award 2007

One Cold Hand
Exploring the concept of loss and recovery while collecting lost gloves all over Pittsburgh and even reuniting some with their rightful owners.

Art Olympic Theatre
Artists competing to make winning pieces within a specific period of time. Equal parts gallery opening, sporting event, and theatrical performance!

Basic Mechanics and Biofuels for Women
Providing beginners’ auto mechanics and alternative fuels workshop for women, with hands-on training to help convert vehicles to biofuels.

Creative Reuse Pittsburgh
Collecting unsual byproducts and surplus items to sell to the public and host hands-on creativity and making events.

In Service
Giving voice to Pittsburghers who were involved in the Iraq war: from soldiers to government officials to war correspondents.

Take A Letter
Integrating the language, techniques, and sensibilities of theater into performance art and experimental film.

Vaudeville Carnivale
Highlighting contemporary approaches to Old World theater inspired by vaudeville, burlesque, gypsy carnivals, variety shows, and circuses.

Worms for a Better World
Using an urban worm farm and community engagement to teach about sustainable waste management and composting.
Community Connections 2008

Arcadia Theater’s 10th Anniversary Celebration and Endowment Establishment
Securing the future of the historic Arcadia Theater with a 10th Anniversary Celebration Performance & Gala featuring the legendary Frankie Avalon.

Celebrate Pittsburgh: Music Commissioning Project
Commissioning 7 new Pittsburgh-themed musical works from 7 regional composers premiered at River City Brass Band performances.

Citywide Salon
Showcasing works by Pittsburgh artists in bus shelters and demonstrating that art is accessible, engaging, and an important part of daily urban life.

Civil Rites: Oral Histories of Two Generations of Pittsburgh Artists
Collecting personal stories of local African American artists as well as the memories of those who knew them for the August Wilson Center permanent collection.

Diversity Outdoors
Connecting minority communities with greater access to outdoor recreation opportunities and encouraging healthy lifestyles.

Downtown Greensburg Asset Image Campaign
Highlighting the architectural details of buildings located within the Downtown Greensburg historic district with new banners.

Everson Borough Veterans Parklet
Creating a new monument and memorial for those who served in the armed forces after the original was dismantled and name plates were stolen.

Explore Western Pennsylvania’s Wild Waterways
Constructing a series of boat launches to create a more welcoming environment to enjoy the Connoquenessing and Slippery Rock watersheds.

First Company Fort McIntosh Garrison Revitalization Request
Helping equip a regiment of re-enactors representing the garrison stationed in 1778 at Fort McIntosh, the first permanent peacetime post of the U.S. Army.

Fisherman’s Tale
Organizing fishing trips so underserved African American senior citizens could enjoy the outdoors, sustain social connections, and monitor health.

Gateway to Ambridge Project
Creating a water feature by a local artisan near a bridge that carries over 22,500 people daily to Ambridge.

Grant Avenue Pocket Park
Creating a public green space for community events in the heart of the Millvale downtown business district.

Great Allegheny Passage Trail Town Public Art Project
Creating large-scale public art installations in 6 trail towns along the Great Allegheny Passage bike trail from Pittsburgh toward Washington, DC.

Homewood Redd Up!
Organizing community clean-ups in the Homewood and Squirrel Hill neighborhoods to connect neighboring communities.

In Sisterhood: The Women’s Movement in Pittsburgh
Producing a multimedia exhibit featuring leaders and activists in the late 20th century women’s movement with roots in Pittsburgh.

In the Making: 250 Years 250 Artists
Creating a museum-quality, full-color catalogue documenting artwork by 250 artists from all 14 counties in Southwestern Pennsylvania.

Indiana County Covered Bridge Festival
Celebrating the history and beauty of covered bridges at a one-day festival highlighting the significance and history of these sites.

Jay Bee Model Circus
Supporting the acquisition, marketing, and opening celebration of the Butler County Historical Society’s newest exhibit, featuring a hand-carved and hand-painted model circus.

Mobile Ag/Ed Science Lab
Constructing a mobile science and agricultural laboratory to bring the science of farming directly into schools.

Neighborhood Narratives: Greetings from Pittsburgh
Enabling filmmakers to tell stories of humor, sadness, romance, and even music that express the character of the diverse and unique neighborhoods they live in.

Old Bedford Village Redoubt and Encampment Project
Building historically accurate attractions to add to the collection of artifacts at this living history museum.

Operation Fresh Express
Helping prevent thousands of pounds of perishable food from going to waste by changing from monthly to weekly food bank distributions in Westmoreland County.

Pittsburgh Environmental Oral History
Producing a series of stories and interviews celebrationg progress from a region based on resource extraction to a burgeoning leader in green environmental practices.

Pittsburgh Signs: 250
Creating a full-color book documenting the unique signage in Southwestern Pennsylvania to celebrate the unique culture of the region.

Postage Stamp Park
Creating a small park along the riverfront within the central business district of the City of Parker, the “Smallest City in the U.S.”

Restoring a Hay Wagon
Honoring the toil of ancestors and learning about the function of a hay wagon and its contributions to our nation’s progress.

Roadside Giants of the Lincoln Highway
Working with vocational and technical students to design and build incredible roadside attractions at locations along the historic Lincoln Highway.

Sailing in Pittsburgh
Promoting sailing on Pittsburgh’s rivers with the establishment of a permanent sailing program in conjunction with the 2008 Three Rivers Regatta.

Sandyvale Memorial Botanical Gardens Phase I, Task II: Staging/Visitors Area
Bringing a historic building back to life as the visitors center of the Sandyvale Memorial Botanical Gardens at the site of an old pioneer cemetery.

SGA ’Green and Growing’ Initiative
Providing green bikes as an alternate mode of transportation and planting 100 trees on campus.

South Side Sculpture Project
Completing the final stage of a monumental piece of public art created from salvaged artifacts of the local steel industry on a former riverfront mill site.

Sure Foundation Community Center Car Ministry
Helping low-income and working-poor families maintain their vehicles by performing oil changes, brake and muffler repairs, and tune-ups—at no cost.

Tanoma Abandoned Mine Drainage Wetlands Educational Trail
Building an educational trail at the Tanoma Wetlands, an Abandoned Mine Drainage passive treatment system in Indiana County.

Washington’s Encampment
Staging re-enactments in Boyce Park, near the site of General John Forbes and Colonel George Washington’s encampment on November 22, 1758.

Westmoreland County History Speakers Program
Providing “living historians” and knowledgeable speakers to schools and historical societies about important events during and following the French & Indian War.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Days
Celebrating Pittsburgh legend Mister Rogers by offering free or reduced admission to cultural and educational sites across the region.
Seed Award 2008

Commute-by-Bike Zine
With Pittsburgh as its setting, the comic book takes the reader on a fun, exciting journey that teaches the basics of bicycle commuting.

Here We Grow Pittsburgh, Here We Grow
Creating sustainable community gardens throughout the city and increasing public awareness of the benefits of fresh, healthy food.

Rhyme Calisthenics
Providing a venue for current and future hip-hop artists to sharpen their improvisational performance skills and expand their artistic subject matter.

Street with a View
Staging freeze-frame scenarios on Sampsonia Way on the Northside while Google technicians captured images for Google Maps’ Street View.

Take Me Out
Examining issues of race, sexual identity, and cultural icons in the context of Major League Baseball.

Unsmoke Systems
Establishing a community resource, events venue, and studio space for young artists in Braddock.
Seed Award 2009

Pittsburgh Beautification Project
Erecting colorful Andy Warhol paintings over the empty windows and doors of abandoned buildings in the city’s blighted areas.

Accordion Pool Party
Utilizing a decommissioned public pool to demonstrate how forgotten public spaces can be used for social and artistic events.

BRICKS for Young Adults Cancer Awareness Booklet
Presenting personal narratives of young adults with cancer alongside helpful resources to reduce the isolation felt by young cancer patients and raise public awareness of the disease.

Burgh Bees
Promoting honeybees as a vital part of Pittsburgh’s urban agriculture community through an open beekeeping group.

Conflict Kitchen
Serving cuisine from countries with which the United States was currently in conflict as a way to create greater awareness of the culture in question.

Midnight Radio
Featuring the unique talents of Pittsburgh writers, musicians, actors, comics, and city celebrities through a monthly after hour radio series.
Seed Award 2010

Creating an interactive celebration of math, food, and community on Pi Day by delivering 31 pies via bicycle to homes in Pittsburgh with the mathematical constant pi (3.14) in their address.

Evenings in Quarantine: The Zombie Opera
Highlighting some of Pittsburgh’s most iconic locations and celebrating the keystone creature of Pittsburgh’s cultural heritage, the zombie, through a hybrid stage and film production.

HOMEWOOD Artist Residency
Inviting national and international contemporary artists who represented the diversity of Homewood to take residence in rehabilitated houses as combined living and studio spaces.

Public Record
Offering a unique glimpse into the lives of our city’s forebears, revealing Pittsburgh’s past as the poetic layers upon which we build our future.

The Sky is the Limit
Enlisting a skywriter to write messages taken from city advisements over downtown Pittsburgh, evoking open-ended poetic meanings and suggesting the promise of new opportunities.

Transformazium 15104 Communication Network
Connecting residents of Braddock with local organizations, and organizations with each other to encourage information and service sharing in the neighborhood.

VIA Music & New Media Festival
Showcasing local and international audio and visual artists through a year-round event series and week-long Music & New Media Festival.
Spring 2010

BioShelter and Food Systems Center
Building a permanent BioShelter greenhouse structure to extend the growing season on the farm located in the Garfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh.

Chimney Swift Towers
Constructing artificial habitats for migrant Chimney Swifts along riverfront trails to increase habitat options for the birds in the Pittsburgh area.

Community Tree Nursery
Providing a more diverse tree stock for local reforestation and ecosystem restoration efforts while increasing the public’s understanding of urban forestry.

Growing Biodiversity: A school-yard transformation
Creating a rain garden on the grounds of a school to use stormwater runoff to irrigate native plant communities.

Heritage Seed Bank and Nursery
Maintaining a collection of seeds native to the region that are rare or “endangered” and using them to participants about seed saving and its role in communities throughout history.

Knotweed Knockout
Remediating an acre of knotweed-infested, city-owned land in the Polish Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh.

Pollinator Restoration and Education Program
Building and restoring native plant gardens that provide food for pollinators and increase plant, insect, and animal biodiversity.

Shaler Area Green Initiative
Constructing an educational garden using native plants and trees for use as a functional outdoor classroom.

Shelby Montgomery Community Garden
Restoring a blighted area of a neighborhood by creating a garden with native plants and providing training for local youth.
Seed Award 2011

City of Champions Million Steps Challenge
Challenging participants to make healthier lifestyle choices by counting every step at this large-scale community fitness event.

Love Poem for Water
Inviting audience members to consider the significance of water in their lives, bodies, and communities as they listen to Vanessa German’s monologues on her own encounters with the essential liquid.

Camino: A Hiawatha Project original play
Exposing the booming business of private immigrant detention centers and illuminating questions of survival and connectedness through a play about undocumented immigrants.

Car Free Streets Event at Pedal Pittsburgh
Closing streets to cars so bicycles, pedestrians, and other alternative modes of transportation could safely access them during Pedal Pittsburgh.

Comics Reading Room and Courtyard
Providing a publicly accessible courtyard in Pittsburgh’s Cultural District featuring outdoor exhibition space, audio, a mini café, and a stage for comics reading events and performances.

Hill District Marketpieces
Celebrating the renowned cultural and culinary history of the Hill District through interior and exterior artworks for the Shop n’ Save supermarket in the Hill District.

Presenting the diverse artistic uses of fire and celebrating man’s primal fascination with flames through Pittsburgh’s first annual festival of fire arts.
Seed Award 2012

ALLOY Pittsburgh
Providing a laboratory for 15 emerging artists from the Pittsburgh region to create site-based projects that investigate the creative reuse of a post-industrial site.

Carrie Deer Film Project
Documenting the lives of the artists who built the famed 40’ deer sculpture at Carrie Furnace in 1997, breaking the law to make a statement about salvage and art.

Community Supported Art (CSA PGH)
Creating “shares” of art from local artists to be purchased by art patrons across the city, similar to boxes of produce from local farms as part of an agricultural CSA.

Knit The Bridge
Wrapping the Andy Warhol Bridge with colorful yarn, knitted by hundreds of area residents, creating the largest community “yarn bomb” of its kind in the United States.
Social Innovation Exchange 2012

Art at the ’Mat
Hosting the first public Laundromat exhibition of the National Lint Project since 2004, featuring an installation of flying creatures made out of dryer lint donated by launderers and neighbors from around Pittsburgh.

Representing 37 communities from Pittsburgh’s urban core—the city and first-ring suburbs—CONNECT-Back acted as an innovative forum for officials and communities to work together on policy-related matters.

Fineview Fitness Trail
Formalizing an urban hiking trail and using city steps to introduce runners and walkers to the vistas and history of Fineview.

Friend-Field Postcard
Capturing the largest group portrait ever taken in Pittsburgh of residents of Friendship, Bloomfield, and Garfield, which will be printed and distributed as a free postcard to be sent by residents to one another across neighborhoods.

Front Street
Hosting an hour‐long, interactive arts and culture talk show shot at a live event at AVA Lounge and broadcast on the internet.

Hazelwood Sister Circle
Publishing a zine comprised of the topics of conversation discussed in the POOR LAW Sister Circle in Hazelwood about the community, violence, health, and wellness.

Staging a performance by the Sisters of the Lattice, willfully conjoined techno-mystics, who work to deepen the connection between individuals and the technological devices they use every day.

Jazz Conversations
Sharing stories, experiences, and music to bridge a widening gap between generations of jazz-lovers.

Life is a Lab
Creating a multimedia storytelling project that connects youth to older generations by having them listen to a true story, ask questions, and then retell the story through written words and imagery.

Louisa Street Bicycle Steps Runnel
Creating a runnel—a grooved track that runs alongside a staircase, making it easier to transport bikes up or down the stairs—on the city steps found on Louisa Street in Central Oakland.

Made in PGH
Publishing an online repository of products made in Pittsburgh along with the people who make them, the companies that make them, and groups that are focused on making in general.

Ninety: Pittsburgh in a Board Game
Encouraging players to learn more about their neighbors across any number of rivers, gorges or bridges through a board game that lets players run for mayor of Pittsburgh’s ninety neighborhoods.

Producing a free dinner and lecture series in Pittsburgh during which six artists are asked to present or perform work based on a theme, while one cuisinier creates a three course meal based on the same theme.

Sleeping With Strangers
Facilitating conversations between individuals and groups interested in opening a hostel in Pittsburgh.

Song for Pittsburgh
Arranging a one‐day performance piece during which six singers in six different Pittsburgh neighborhoods will sing the same song written by the applicant for the city and the people of Pittsburgh.

Transit Tales
Improving the perception of public transportation by amplifying the stories of Pittsburgh’s riders and operators.

We Are Here
Creating an online map of Pittsburgh “Third Places” and colorful signs that lead people to the identified community gathering places that create a sense of belonging and encourage community engagement.
Spring 2012

Garfield Hops Project
Turning vacant land in Pittsburgh’s Garfield neighborhood into a hop garden and producing feedstock to use in local brews.
Film & Video 2013

“Aspie Seeks Love”
Following David’s journey to understand his Asperger’s, improve as a person, writer, and artist, and work to find a meaningful relationship.

Offering intimate portraits of a variety of furries, attempting to understand the person behind the costume by allowing the subjects to speak for themselves and the audience to decide for themselves.

“Give Us a Chance: Pittsburgh Punk”
Detailing individual experiences about how the Pittsburgh Punk Rock scene brought together people from the region’s declining satellite cities and mill towns to support their need, curiosity, and eventually, commitment to Punk music.
Seed Award 2013

The Art Lending Collection
Enabling those with library cards to check out works of art by regional and international artists for home enjoyment.

The Pittsburgh Canning Exchange
Creating a network where interested people can learn about local food, sustainability, and canning and trade canned goods, recipes, and techniques.
Social Innovation Exchange 2013

Dia de los Muertos Pittsburgh
Providing a stage for Pittsburgh Latinos to come together and share with the non-Spanish speaking population through celebratory artistic and cultural events.
Grand Ideas 2014

Gender-Neutral Learn-to-Sew
Hosting a series of monthly sewing nights to learn basic skills, proper threading and tensioning, and the history of the sewing machine.

Olympic Curling Open House
Introducing the city to the accessible, ancient ice sport in an exciting and welcoming setting while highlighting opportunities to play the Olympic sport locally.
Seed Award 2014

Encouraging diverse groups of artists to experiment with forms of media that connect with the African American experience and offering a window into the reality of living as a black artist in America.

Chutz-Pow! Superheroes of the Holocaust
Commemorating Pittsburgh area survivors, partisans, and liberators of the Holocaust and World War II while promoting Holocaust education and awareness through an original comic book.

Pittsburgh Fringe Festival
Showcasing unorthodox theatre and giving small to mid-size performing artists unique exposure.

Switchboard Stories
Collecting stories of collective action to enrich the Global Switchboard’s dialogue with current members, neighborhood residents, the foundation community, and policy makers around the question, “why should I care about global engagement in Pittsburgh?”
Sprout Sponsorship 2014

Deutschtown Music Festival
Promoting Pittsburgh’s live music scene by showcasing over 50 local bands that perform at a dozen venues throughout the family-friendly festival.
Grand Ideas 2015

Raising awareness of wage inequality and celebrating working women through a retail pop-up featuring wares from female artists and businesses, selling items to women at 76% of the cost charged to men.

ACJ Medical Neglect Documentation Project
Using the power of storytelling to highlight individuals who had experienced medical neglect in the Allegheny County Jail.

Art + Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon
Bringing together diverse communities to create and improve Wikipedia articles related to women in the arts.

Beatty Street Bicycle Co-Op
Promoting bicycling as an affordable, healthy, and green mode of transportation while educating riders with repair and maintenance skills.

The Blacksmith Shop at Returning Home Farm
Using the DIY appeal of blacksmithing to engage people in ongoing conversations around issues of community, local production and commerce, and eco-friendly living.

Co-opoly Untournament
Introducing players to cooperative economic opportunity principles by playing Co-opoly, a board game, in “UnTournaments” held in public locations.

The Fantasy Black Draft
Hosting a pseudo-sports draft event to engage the community in discussion around the effect of progress on Pittsburgh’s Black population.

Pizza Poems PGH
Using the universally accepted medium of pizza to help students share their thoughts and actively engage with their community.

Pop des Fleurs
Bringing unexpected brightness and joy in the middle of winter through pop-up flower gardens made from repurposed, durable materials.

Steel City Folk School Pop-up
Bringing people with a wide variety of interests together to share their passions, learn new skills, and catalyze an informal community of learning in Pittsburgh.

Stepping Stanzas
Promoting the use of public steps and celebrated the city’s heritage, diversity, and distinctive geography through music and performance.
One Northside 2015

The Block Party
Celebrating the valuable resources and local identities of the 18 Northside neighborhoods through a series of mini-arts festivals.

Community Hub @ Café on the Corner
Providing free Wi-Fi, board and card games, visual art, and musical performances to break down barriers between residents.

Deutschtown City Steps Mosaic Mural
Bringing together neighborhood residents to turn the local city steps into a mosaic mural.

Deutschtown Public Art Mural
Highlighting the positive aspects of the neighborhood through a mural designed based on community input.

Getting There: A Morning Walk in the Dark
Highlighting the difficulties that local youth encounter getting to school each morning through a community walk in the dark.

Manchester Math, Mud & More Summer Camp
Combining math tutoring with healthy outdoor activities to engage neighborhood youth during the summer months.

Riverside Community Corrections Center Resident Garden
Encouraging healthy lifestyles, peer learning, and self-reliance by having Riverside Corrections Center residents build and maintain a community garden.
Open Engagement 2015

21st Sensory Mall
Exploring post-mall culture through installations and performances in the nearly-abandoned Century III Mall.
Change Machine 2016

Buddy Benches
Encouraging students to include their peers during recess and serving as a place for children to go when they don’t have anyone to play with.
Grand Ideas 2016

The John Show
Highlighting the issue of mental health through a film screening and panel series corresponding to an exhibit featuring portraits of a local artist that attempted suicide.

LISTEN UP! Pittsburgh Neighborhood Debate Classic
Promoting critical exchange to analyze problems and solutions so residents can use these skillsets to address issues in their own communities.

Pittsburgh Climate Change Crankie
Starting conversations about Pittsburgh’s industrial history, its environmental legacy, and the community’s role in making improvements for the future.

Pittsburgh Women MAKE it.
Highlighting the work and stories of 12 community-selected women makers and artists through a blog and printed publication.
One Northside 2016

Hope for the Homeless
Changing how people feel about the homeless and providing ways to help care for the homeless in their community.

Metamorphosis: “She’s Got Her Wings”
Using performance art to create a safe space for women of color to work through and heal from traumatic experiences.

Mosaic Mural Welcome to Perry Hilltop and Fineview
Utilizing historic research and interviews with community members to inform the content of a neighborhood mural designed by local youth.

Northview Heights Women’s Writers Group
Expanding a creative writing and performance program that focuses on female empowerment and self-expression.

ToolKeeper Neighbors
Training neighbors to help neighborhood children repair bikes and empowering the children to learn how to do the repairs themselves.
Sprout Sponsorship 2016

Cultural Gumbo
Helping New Sun Rising celebrate a decade of building culture and community at Mr. Small’s Theater in Millvale.
100 Days 2017

E3: Engage, Educate, Empower
Providing training and engagement to enable young Black women and femmes to take a stand and effect local change.

Global Minds
Working to combat cultural intolerance by linking English language learners and native speakers in local high schools.

I Wish to Say
Inviting people to draft letters to the new President of the United States with a community art event in Market Square.

Muslim Ally Training
Teaching community members how to ensure comfort and convey solidarity with Muslims in America through a dynamic diversity training.

Off the Street and Into the Kitchen
Bringing ex-offenders off the street and into the kitchen through paid farm-to-table restaurant training.

Sharing youth perspectives about the future of our region with policymakers and organizers through data collection, a media campaign, and a town hall event.

Prototype Workshop Series
Breaking down gendered stereotypes through feminist workshops in making, engineering, and self-advocacy.

The Soil Superheroes
Investigating soil lead levels in Homewood through youth-led exploration and research.

Standing Strong Together
Equipping individuals with artmaking and engagement tools to advocate for reproductive rights.

That’s Us
Enfranchising Allegheny County residents by establishing a network of grassroots change agents and promoting voter registration.

We Speak Soccer
Forging connections between immigrants, refugees, and the greater Pittsburgh community through a mutual love of the game.
One Northside 2017

From Pantry to Plate
Educating residents on healthy living and cooking, no matter their income level.

Pigeon Positivity
Using the creation and installation of public art to bring together elementary students and elderly residents on the Northside.

Reach Out and Read comes to the Northside!
Providing developmentally and culturally appropriate books to Northside children from 6 months through 5 years of age at each regular pediatric checkup.

We Are Glad You Are Our Neighbor Picnic
Building relationships between residents of different cultures and backgrounds through an event that celebrates their differences.
Economic Opportunity 2018

The City As Our Maker Space
Conducting a 6-month program specializing in literacy, wellness, and health for low-income, marginalized women with a focus on women of color with the ultimate goal of supporting women to pursue careers in technology and creative entrepreneurship.