100 Days of US
Empowering the people’s agenda for the first 100 days of a new presidential administration.
100 Days supporters proudly display the final program poster at the Day 100 Party
Sprout offices, April 2017 photo: Mitch WilstonPowering local solutions to pressing national concerns
Following the 2016 presidential election, The Sprout Fund helped Pittsburghers take action to protect and support what mattered most to them. 100 Days of US was an initiative to advance positive, solution-oriented responses to issues of national importance.
Sprout pledged $100,000 of its strategic reserves to support projects that would set Pittsburgh’s own agenda for the first 100 days of the new presidential administration.
Sprout received more than 150 project idea applications and raised more than $34,000 in additional public support from 250 donors, including contributions of $10,000 each from the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County.
After public voting that generated 41,000 likes and a thorough review by 60 community advisors, Sprout selected 26 projects and 5 event sponsorships to receive 100 Days support. Sprout worked closely with project leaders to assure the successful implementation of their ideas and celebrate the efforts they began during the first 100 days.
From day 1 to day 100, we made it 100 Days of US.

Program In Brief
Year Active
Crowdfunding Raised
$14,846 from 250 donors
Total Investment
Funded Projects
Event Sponsorships
Online Votes

Pittsburgh Pledges to Take Action during the First 100 Days
Sprout supported people to demonstrate their values and vision for America. This video is a compliation from the submissions of funded projects.
Funded Project Highlights
The 26 supported projects and 5 sponsored events represented 12 critical issue areas: criminal justice, immigrants & refugees, women, unity & dialogue, education, voting & democracy, environment, disabilities, free press, LGBTQIA, race, and global relations. These twelve projects represent a cross-section of issue areas, audiences, and approaches.

Sharing youth perspectives about the future of our region with policymakers and organizers through data collection, a media campaign, and a town hall event.

Prototype Workshop Series
Breaking down gendered stereotypes through feminist workshops in making, engineering, and self-advocacy.

Muslim Ally Training
Teaching community members how to ensure comfort and convey solidarity with Muslims in America through a dynamic diversity training.

Global Minds
Working to combat cultural intolerance by linking English language learners and native speakers in local high schools.

I Wish to Say
Inviting people to draft letters to the new President of the United States with a community art event in Market Square.

Off the Street and Into the Kitchen
Bringing ex-offenders off the street and into the kitchen through paid farm-to-table restaurant training.

The Soil Superheroes
Investigating soil lead levels in Homewood through youth-led exploration and research.

E3: Engage, Educate, Empower
Providing training and engagement to enable young Black women and femmes to take a stand and effect local change.

Standing Strong Together
Equipping individuals with artmaking and engagement tools to advocate for reproductive rights.

That’s Us
Enfranchising Allegheny County residents by establishing a network of grassroots change agents and promoting voter registration.

We Speak Soccer
Forging connections between immigrants, refugees, and the greater Pittsburgh community through a mutual love of the game.
Community Events

Applicant Support
Sprout helped applicants develop their two-minute video pitches with the help of Sprout staff and a professional photographer.

Idea Party
Sprout hosted a party to kick off additional fundraising and to promote public voting on more than 150 submitted project ideas.

Day 100 Party
On the 100th day, Sprout hosted a public open house to celebrate and showcase the funded projects’ activities and achievements.
Thank you to all those who made this program possible!
- The Sprout Fund
- Allegheny County
- Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh
- Crowdrise campaign donors
- Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
- Union Project
- Cathy Lewis Long
- Matt Hannigan
- Diana Avart
- Ryan Coon
- Arielle Evans
- Mac Howison
- Tricia Monticello Kievlan
- Ani Martinez
- Lizzy Nolin
- Cleo Zell
- Victoria Zuber intern